FAWN is an educational program directed at young minds to increase their understanding of forestry and the use of forests and woodlands.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions we were unable to have the FAWN field trip days in 2021. We did though hand out FAWN drawstring bags with information that would have originally been given at the FAWN field days to all 6th and 7th graders at the 5 schools in our county. The reason the 7th graders were included in this years program was they didn’t receive anything last year.
Within the bags were Web Soil Surveys, Snake identification & fact sheet, Tree cookie information and activity as well as an actual tree cookie, seeded paper in an envelope with instructions to be planted at home, FAWN plastic cup, Alabama Farm facts pamphlet, Food and farm facts pamphlet, Farming feeds Alabama plastic bracelets, Pollinator pamphlet, Today’s wildlife identification guide, Eastern Indigo Snake pamphlet, Smokey’s Friends plastic bracelet, Smokey’s friends pencils and erasers. Please see attached picture of bag and contents.
The educational projects taken into the Washington County schools are to educate students of all ages on conservation. Over the years many projects have been created to reach students of all ages. As with the FAWN program there is a hope that these projects will ignite a spark in our younger generation to pursue a career in conservation and forestry.
Project Completion: 2021 | Washington County