The ALA-TOM RC&D Council covers the following nine Southwest Alabama counties: Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Dallas, Marengo, Monroe, Perry, Washington, and Wilcox. The office is located in Thomasville.
Choctaw Heritage Festival: Funds provided sound & lighting for the festival.
Silas Auditorium Parking Lot: Funds will be used to build steps up sloping hillside to ensure safety and inclement weather.
Chili Cookoff 2015: To bring Choctaw County citizens and surrounding areas together for a fun family and boost local tourism.
Continuous School Improvement: Funds will be used to convert a room to a kitchen, including additional wiring, water access and cabinets with counter tops.
Shower for Clarke County Emergency Communication Center: The funds will be used to build an onsite shower to enable the continued operation of the center and give refreshment to those who work around the clock.
JIS Young Gentlemen Club: A character building program established in an effort to positively shape the minds of young boys.
Thomasville Sports Hall Of Fame: The goal of this project is to honor natives and/ or citizens, past, and present of Thomasville who have bought honor and glory to Thomasville through their achievements in the world of sports.
Art Supplies for Boys & Girls Club: Funds to purchase canvas, brushes, paint, etc. so students can participate in Art classes taught by Linda Edwards.
Clarke County- ARC Ice- Smith Greenhouse: Aquaponics project designed as a learning experience to develop a new ways to grow vegetables and herbs.
T&K Hall Farms Equipment: Field Days at T&K is an event that will take young children in grades 3rd-5th on an environmental journey.
Cogongrass Educational & Assistance: Help land owners remove Cogongrass.
Outdoor Basketball Court: To provide exercise and recreational activities for youth and avoiding basketball playing in the streets.
Scare Crow Convention: Purchase items for students to build their scare crows.
Selma PAL After School Enrichment Program: Projects help students learn new skills, respect others, and understand those who are different from you.
Lettuce Raise It: Students will participate in hands-on garden based activities that will result in better eating habits.
Something Old Something New and Something Blue!: To bring the current Community Center up to date along with making more functioning and appealing to meet the needs of the patrons.
Shape it Up!!!!: Help our youth in the battle of obesity and childhood diabetes.
Farm Fresh Initiative: This will allow COA to purchase more farm-fresh food to supplement in the bags for the needy.
Cammack Gardens: This project improves the physical environment of the arts districts and the neighborhood adjacent to downtown.
Camp Grist Revitalization: The ‘Doc in a Camp’ project is a volunteer partnership with the director and young professional medical staff of the UAB Selma University Family Medical Residency training program, and the YMCA of Selma-Dallas County.
MCEDA Small Business Incubator: To provide training and assistance to entrepreneurs and small business as well as the general population within our area.
Sweet Water Babe Ruth Backstop: This project will make the playing field safer and spectators stay more enjoyable by replacing the worn fence.
Sweet Water Pre-K: Help establish a new Pre-K program & purchase equipment.
Downtown Light Renovation: The town of Excel will renovate the sidewalk in downtown Excel and main street.
The Jones House: The Jones House and Park will hold art classes, computer classes, weldings and receptions.
Excel High School Concession Stand: Improve the concession stand.
A Celebration Of Reading Bronze Marker: Bronze sculpture and its title, and provide information on Monroeville, Alabama and literacy capital.
National Registry Historic District: To commission a bronze marker describe Monroeville’s National Register Historic District.
Marion Gateway Renewal: This mission of Renaissance Marion (RMI) is to address underlying issues of light and deterioration in the Marion area.
Pernell Community Playground: Expand playground & add a basketball court.
Perry Co. Courthouse Landscape Project: Will purchase trees, shrubs, and flowers to plant and help bring Marion to life.
Blue Porch: Coffee and Ice Cream Shop: A place for students to come and work, while building knowledge and real world experience.
St. Stephens Park Cabin: Purchase a rental cabin.
Washington County Outreach: Purchase new equipment, tables, banners to update the Chamber.
Archive Preservation Project: Preserve and store artifacts, documents, photos and other items pertaining to our heritage in the MOWA museum.
Prairie School Museum & Help Center: Repair damage to museum floors.
Working to Build a Zero Waste Community: Purchase storage buildings.
Family – Friendly Library Books: Purchase kindergarten through 6th grade books for the friends of the Silas library.Coffeeville & Fulton School Readiness: Provide consumable materials (paper, copier toner, etc.) and equipment which will utilize deliver information to parents /guardians of enrolled children.
Clarke Co. 4-H Archery Program: Purchase bows & arrows for 4H children.
Hippy Conecuh: To provide curriculum, storybook, crayons, glue, scissors and much more for hippy children during their home learning.
T&K Farms: Conecuh Co Soil & Water carried students to the farm for a great outdoor experience.
Tale Tellin’: World known story tellers come to area schools to speak to students.
Leadership Selma Dallas County: Provides leadership in the community and personal training to a diverse group of citizens.
Earn While You Learn: An educational program with classes for expectant families.
Sweet Water VFW Training: To do interior fire training and safety classes.
Notes in Nature: Install free notes Harmony Park Outdoor Music Instruments in Riverside Park in Demopolis.
Highway 80 Songwriter’s Festival: Tourist and interested parties will come listen to original music and tour the sites of the cities.
FAWN Monroe Co: Purchase shirts for students when they attend Forestry Awareness Week Now.
Educational Outreach: The Monroe County Heritage Museum mission is to bring people and history together.
Playground Mulch: Disburse fresh mulch on the playground for child safety.
Southwest Alabama Tourism: Utilizing nature and heritage based tourism is an important economic development strategy, UACED will develop and distribute promotional material for the area. (All 9 counties)
Furniture and Equipment for Uniontown Library: Purchase chairs for adequate seating, tables for workspace, and printing capabilities.
Fatherhood Initiative: Strengthen families in our community by encouraging fathers to play a more active role in nurturing and raising their children.
Textbooks for AL Vol FF 160 Course: Purchase text books for the purpose of training fire fighters.
WC History: Digitized And Preserve: This micrographic machine will allow our citizens and visitors to view records print documents as on a high resolution screen.
Wilcox Works: Provide one stop shop that coordinates resources in order to create skilled workforce.
Bama Kids Education: To provide tutoring and academic enhancement.
Wheels for Learning: Provides educational support and enrichment during the school year.
Community that’s Moving: Provides nutritious meal for the elderly three days a week.
Central AL Regional Child Advocacy Center Phase 2: Administering the program of work for the center.
Senior RX Program: This program makes prescription medication for senior residents affordable.
Tag Engraving Machine: Purchase an engraving machine for the rescue center.
Equipment Fire Truck: Purchase new equipment for the truck.