Our vision for the ALA-TOM Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Area is an area with a sound economy with jobs for all, with all people, communities and governments working together in harmony. We see an educated and informed citizenry, with small town and rural family values preserved. We see all land used wisely, with it being both productive and protected. We see beautiful, clean landscapes and all rivers and streams with clean water. We see all rural and urban areas adequately served with community facilities and services, and adequate recreational facilities, making the ALA-TOM RC&D Area the best place to live and work.
The mission of the ALA-TOM RC&D Area is to conserve and develop all resources to enhance the quality of life in the area.
The purpose of the ALA-TOM RC&D Area is to provide local leadership in developing and carrying out a plan for the orderly conservation, improvement, development and wise use of natural resources thereby improving economic opportunities. The organization cooperates and assists in carrying out local and regional plans of other organizations and agencies. It is working to create and awareness of the need for orderly development and conservation of area resources. The organization is working to secure the required technical, financial, educational and other services required to develop and apply the Area Plan.
The RC&D Council
The RC&D Council is the heart of the RC&D concept. The Council is a membership-based nonprofit entity that is established and run by volunteers to carry out the mission of the RC&D. The Council is composed of members that are key community leaders in soil and water conservation, government, and community development. They are the steering committee and action team to implement the “Area Plan”, a community-driven strategic long-range plan to improve the quality of life in the communities in the RC&D Area.
The RC&D Council members need to be action-oriented volunteers and leaders that help the Council address needs in the community through good planning and project implementation. In this “make it happen” style, the Council also periodically evaluates its progress on the Area Plan and gathers input from the community. The Council members represent all the counties of the Area. This larger membership body formally meets twice a year to develop the annual plan of work and celebrate accomplishments.
The RC&D Council’s Board of Directors
The Board of Directors manages the affairs of the RC&D Council as an incorporated 501(c) (3) organizations. The Board formally approves the Area Plan, mission, policies, budget, projects, and hiring of Council Staff. Board members have legal and fiduciary responsibilities. Essentially, the Board of Directors ensures that the organization is well-managed and running properly in order to obtain the objectives of the RC&D Council.
The RC&D Staff
The RC&D Staff, along with volunteer Board and Council Members, other volunteers and partners help implement the goals of the RC&D Council. Staff is hired by the Board to implement the long range goals, policies, and organizational operations that have all been approved by the Board.
The ALA-TOM RC&D Council covers the following nine Southwest Alabama counties: Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Dallas, Marengo, Monroe, Perry, Washington, and Wilcox.