Since 1842, Marion Military Institute (MMI) has achieved a national reputation for preparing young men and women for successful civilian and military careers. This is accomplished by providing the best possible educational program for its students in a disciplined environment, thereby developing their intellectual, physical, moral, social, and leadership capabilities.
Vision 2022: Marion Military Institute will be nationally recognized as the premier leadership development college of Alabama with whole cadet enrichment through an immersive and intentional experiential learning environment, a relevant, rigorous, and robust academic program, and character and leadership education development system.
In order to do this MMI realized it must stay on top of the technical curve and began upgrading each classroom last year. Ala-Tom RC&D’s 2020/2021 and 2021/222 grants allowed MMI to kick off and coincidently complete the upgrade by funding the first and the last of the 27 classrooms of the MMI Classroom Technology Upgrade Project. Ala-Tom along with additional funders provided the classroom technology upgrades which allowed the MMI faculty to engage students more effectively both in the classroom and with remote delivery.