This is a global youth citizenship curriculum modified to meet the needs of the youth in Choctaw County. Our best and brightest students are leaving Choctaw County at an alarming rate. The youth left behind will be the workforce of tomorrow. The majority of these students come from a low socioeconomic background, live in abusive environments, are exposed to drugs at an early age, and are being raised by grandparents or great-grandparents. These youth are continually being told that they won’t ever amount to anything because they are no good. You hear that enough and you begin to believe it.
For the 2017-2018 school year, this will be our pilot project. We will develop an application and any student wanting to attend our Global Youth Academy will have to submit an application. They will be chosen solely on the content of this application. We do not want input from the school as to how good or bad they are perceived to be, what their grades are – we want the students who are failing and don’t believe they have a chance. This is a project in the power of goodness and caring.
Students will meet twice a month at the Extension Office. If we receive this grant the exact time frame will be worked out with the Board of Education. We will seek permission from the Board of Education for these students to be allowed to dress out of uniform. Young men must wear a dress shirt and pants (or khakis), a tie, and dress shoes. Young ladies must dress in appropriate office attire. We will also meet in the school setting at least once a month and students must follow the same dress code stated above.