Our Blackbelt Health Improvement Project includes a life style training program that teach participants proper nutritional eating habits, appropriate exercises, how to manage and prevent diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Also, our project includes a community gardens that raises fresh fruits and vegetables that are sold at the local farmer’s market. Equally important, our program purchase fruits and vegetables from local producers, local grocery stores, and State of Alabama Farmer’s Market vendors that are located in Montgomery and Birmingham , Alabama. In our project, we used local persons that helped with the farm as laborers in tilling, planting and all aspects of gardening. We raised watermelons, squash, cantaloupes, corn, peas, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, and okra. All of these items were sold at the local farmer’s market as long as they were produced but due to the drought, we had to purchase most of our fruits and vegetables from other farmers, stores, and farmer’s market vendors.