This project enabled the Demopolis Public Library to buy educational resources that helped us meet the needs of children, teens and adults in our community. We used funds to purchase test preparations books for the GED, ACT, GRE, and ASVAB Military Exam. We also purchased a set of DVD’s that help students with study skills and test taking skills. We purchased books that helped our pre-school and school aged children develop early literacy skills. We were able to purchase some non-fiction common core books for children in grades K-8. Having access to and reading non fiction books helps students develop their background knowledge, which accounts for as much as 33% in student achievement. We also purchased eBooks and digital audiobooks for children and adults.
Smile-A-Mile’s Regional Programming – ALA TOM
The purpose of this project was to provide year-round meaningful programs for children and families impacted by childhood cancer. Specifically, the funds for this project were used to support the participation of individuals within the nine-county ALA-TOM region.
“Growing” THS Tiger Band
Our Goal was to purchase an ice machine for band room to provide much needed ice during band camp and ball games.
With the THS Tiger Band growth, It was important to purchase extra uniforms for the new students.
Drone Environmental Assessment Project
Perry County has had several natural disasters, including flooding, tornados and tropical storms. The highway department, along with Perry County EMA, has always been there to clean up the damage and open the roadways. Having an accurate assessment of the damage is imperative to ensure necessary resources are distributed. The equipment we intend to purchase will be used to inspect storm damage, bridges, large culverts, and construction projects throughout Perry County. Having the ability to quickly assess storm damage and the progress of construction projects will save time, money, and improve the efficiency of the Perry County Highway Department.
Child Abuse Prevention Training & Mandatory Reporter Training
As a result of working with child abuse victims and their families over the last 10 years, the Central Alabama Regional Child Advocacy Center determined that a significant impact could be made on the rampant problem of child abuse by conducting Mandatory Reporter Trainings and Child Abuse Prevention trainings and events throughout the year. With the help of grant funding from AlaTom RC&D, trainings are offered free of charge to child serving organizations and school systems throughout the region. Pinwheel Garden Plantings (awareness events) are conducted in each county and numerous educational messages and prevention oriented activities are shared with news outlets and on social media, with a special emphasis on the month of April, Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.